Life & Other Stuff

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

2011 turned out to be a satisfying year for me.

Not gonna lie, life is sometimes REALLY hard to live. I have problems, weaknesses, issues, etc. just like everyone else. My list of faults is long, so far from "perfect". But between the nooks and crannies of "life" I am living. I am happier and living more fully.

I've been working hard on myself to be more authentic, assertive, and centered. There have been some relationships that I've simply had to let go of because they were either no longer beneficial to living a healthy life. And others I've had to open communication with them to adjust them. It's been really hard to do but taking those risks has made me a happier person.

My faith gets stronger. I've been blessed with a loving church community. I've been surrounded by a group of women that are forgiving and caring. Being a part of their lives and having them in mine has been healing. God has placed me in uncomfortable situations while serving those in my community who are in need but I have been humbled through them and my heart is even bigger than it was a year ago. He is good!

My year has been full of creativity at so many levels. I've continued to surround myself with creative people who inspire me. This creative community is also social, bringing into my life new friendships that have filled my days with laughter and great conversation.

365 Project.
Perhaps this has been my most life changing endeavor of the year. I write much about it in my 365 project blog ( but overall I have proven to myself that I have great discipline to see myself through a project from beginning to end. I have learned to accept that sometimes perfection just can't happen. The task must be done (good or bad). I have been creatively, technically, and humanly challenged through this project. This project has humbled me but filled me with so much gratitude for what God has blessed me with in my life. In many fold, this project has changed me. I am for the better.

2011 ended in peace. The days leading up to the new year I witnessed beauty of the human soul (my niece), the brokenness of a friend losing a loved one, the joy in my little nephews laugh, the forgiveness over broken relationships, the relief in an old lady's face as she was comforted by the sweetness of my dog, the delight that comes from companionship between girl friends. My heart is grateful for all that is in my life right now. It's not perfect. And in many ways it's not even great. But, there is peace and there is grace.

For that, I thank God.

2012 is bound to be another adventure. I turn 40 this coming year. I am excited but also woeful. What does this mean to turn 40? It's a number, indeed. But, it's a milestone; an opportunity for reflection and change. There is anticipation and joy.

Cheers to 2012. May the year be filled with good news, resolution, change, and good health. Cheers!

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